This is outworked by showing God’s love in practical ways such as serving and honouring our community, in representing the truth of God’s word faithfully, in praying for the sick to be healed and in making the life of Jesus available to all.
Revival Church Billericay is committed to facilitating restoration in the lives of men, women and children so that they can embrace the full life that Jesus has for them.
The acknowledgement that God is good
and nothing can separate us from His love.
An emphasis on encountering God’s presence;
recognising that intimacy with our Heavenly Father is our highest pursuit.
Everyone has equal significance and worth in God’s sight
and so we seek to honour and love those created in His image.
We choose to live unoffended and to forgive others
just as God forgives us.
We value truth and integrity
because we are called to be ‘children of the light’.
We love to be generous
because this perfectly reflects the nature of God whose generosity was exemplified in giving His only Son as our Saviour.
We choose to live hope-filled, thankful lives
because God is faithful to His promises.