Community Hub update
Following the recent fire at the Billericay Community Hub this is an update on where things are at and the plans we have for the future....
We are a church which passionately believes that God’s love and power can transform our lives. This website will give you a flavour of what we’re about and what motivates us.
We are a church which passionately believes that God’s love and power can transform our lives.
This short video is just one example of what that looks like in action.
Following the recent fire at the Billericay Community Hub this is an update on where things are at and the plans we have for the future....
We are a church which passionately believes that God’s love and power can transform our lives.
We are a church which passionately believes that God’s love and power can transform our lives.
This short video is just one example of what that looks like in action.
With the situation changing almost daily in relation to the Coronavirus pandemic we wanted to let you know how things will be changing with regard to the way in which we’ll be doing church over the coming weeks.
We typically meet [corporately] every other Sunday, 10.30am at the Chantry Centre, Chantry Way, Billericay CM11 2BB
Andy and Jane Robb share a regular overview of what God is doing in the life of the church.
As a growing church there are some great ways to get involved in making Revival Church Billericay happen.
Following the recent fire at the Billericay Community Hub this is an update on where things are at and the plans we have for the future.
Why Israel matters Last Sunday was a historic day in the UK. There was a prayer gathering in London of Christians and Jews as part of an international weekend of prayer for the release of the Israeli hostages and the broader situation in the Middle...
With Israel as the epicentre of the world’s attention, what is God’s perspective?
An interview with Greg Odell who is leading our School of Healing on May 20th. For full details and to get your ticket go to:
A re-post from last summer reminding us of how and why we do church.
A short Christmas message creating the opportunity to know the reality of Jesus in our lives.
At our Christmas service, we were looking at those who encountered Jesus in the biblical accounts of his birth. We also invited a couple of our church family to share with us about their encounters with Jesus. Here’s what Raj Hare and Phil Norton had...
Celebrating the values and vision of the church network to which Revival Church Billericay belongs.
Happy birthday to us! This weekend we celebrate 10 years as a church. Where has the time gone? It only seems like yesterday that we were meeting every Sunday in the function room of the Rising Sun pub in Billericay. Revival Church Billericay (initially called...
Don’t go to church! That might seem like an odd headline for a blog written by a church leader, but let me explain. When Jesus birthed the world’s first church in Jerusalem around 2,000 years ago the church was essentially a community of believers who...
A summary of Jane Robb’s teaching on having a biblical perspective on money
A conversation about where God is leading Revival Church Billericay next, and why.
A TIME OF CHange It was two years ago this Sunday that our church (like others) was forced to adapt to doing church differently because of Covid. We’d previously had a few Holy Spirit prompts that change or transition was coming so, although we had...
A conversation about how we chart a course through the days in which we live.
A conversation about the amazing spiritual wealth that is our inheritance as Christians
A conversation about the amazing way that faith in Jesus can transform us.
A conversation with Mike and Joanne Allyn about the experience of being born again and the healing ministry that resulted
A conversation with Brian Greenway, Director of Maoz Israel UK, about how God views Israel (and the Jewish people) and therefore what our response should be.
A conversation about God breaking into human history 2,000 years ago and why he did so
A conversation about why the early church were so committed to prayer and what we can learn from them.
A conversation about the benefits of the mutual bond of friendship – aka fellowship – which is intended to be at the core of Jesus’ church.
A conversation in which we talk about how we can best learn about God together…
A conversation about leaving behind the things of the world that hinder our relationship with Jesus so that we can press into the fullness of him.
In conversation about how we find rest in Jesus as a lifestyle.
That’s the probing question we ask in today’s Life In All Its Fullness conversation.
Some short interviews with Christians serving their community at Billericay Summerfest
in this week’s ‘Life In All Its Fullness’ conversation we’re talking to Matt Robb about how church was never intended to be siloed in a building but out in the marketplace.
In today’s ‘Life In All Its Fullness’ conversation we talk about how we can build bridges into the lives of others to connect them with God’s love and power.
Shaken, not Stirred I don’t think that you need me to tell you that the past 18 months have been one of the most difficult periods of time that many of us have lived through. It has impacted people on so many fronts including physical...
In this Life In All Its Fullness conversation we talk about how Jesus restores us so that we can then partner with him in bringing restoration to our broken world.
In today’s Life In All Its Fullness conversation we talk about living life Jesus-focussed, 24/7…
This “Life In All Its Fullness’ conversation is an interview with the leaders of our church network, Pete and Nicki Sims
In this Life In All Its Fullness conversation we talk about the fatherhood of God and how knowing this enables us to trust in his promises.
This morning’s ‘Life In All Its Fullness’ conversation is with our good friend, Jon Hancock We talk about his faith, family and his work as a TV producer.
Another Life In All Its Fullness conversation in which we continue with the theme of the Holy Spirit.
This week’s Life In All Its Fullness conversation is about Pentecost and the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
In conversation with Andy Hare about being an influence for Jesus at work and in the home.
In this Life In All Its Fullness conversation we talk about what it means to step out in faith.
Today’s ‘Life In All Its Fullness’ conversation is an interview with our very own Michele Murray talking about being an influence for Jesus in our everyday lives.
What3words When it comes to the apps I have on my phone I’m quite selective, but one which I’ve allowed through my stringent filter is what3words. You may have heard of it or even have it. It enables a specific location to be found to...
Another of our ‘Life in all its Fullness’ conversations. This one is around the events of Palm Sunday
Another ‘Life in all its Fullness’ conversation in which we talk to Bev Murrill about how she came to say “yes” to Jesus and the difference one person saying “yes’ to Jesus can make.
Another ‘Life in all its Fullness’ conversation – in this one we talk about worry and anxiety.
Part of our ongoing ‘Life in all its Fullness’ conversation.
In conversation with Karen Tullett about how we develop a lifestyle of saying “yes” to Jesus so we don’t get sidetracked.
A conversation about choosing to follow the path that leads to life and in which we create the opportunity to respond.
We talk to Jo Moody about her life-changing near death experience, her healing miracle and the amazing global ministry that was birthed from this.
Part two of a conversation about how to experience the full life Jesus offers us….
Part one of a conversation about how to experience the full life Jesus offers us.
We talk to Phil Norton about how the hope that is found in Jesus can overflow into our communities.
We continue our conversation about hope and talk about how Jesus needs to be at the very heart of this.
We talk to Raj and Andy Hare about how they have learned to establish hope in their hearts through the ups and downs of life.
What happened to 2020? Who could have foreseen the year that we’ve just lived through? This time last year we were entering 2020 as a year of vision, a number which neatly lent itself to this spiritual metaphor. And yet, for all its difficulties 2020 was...
We begin 2021 by talking about finding hope in these challenging times
In the midst of the present pain and turmoil of the pandemic we talk about how Jesus can be our refuge and strength
Looking at the prophecies (or adverts) predicting the coming of Jesus.
A conversation with our very own Jane Andrews about God’s longing for intimacy with us
Exploring what it looks like for every believer of Jesus to be an empowered and intrinsic part of his church…
Exploring what it looks like for every believer of Jesus to be an empowered and intrinsic part of his church…….
Exploring what it looks like for every believer of Jesus to be an empowered and intrinsic part of his church….
Exploring what it looks like for every believer of Jesus to be an empowered and intrinsic part of his church.
Exploring what it looks like for every believer of Jesus to be an empowered and intrinsic part of his church.
Apologies, there was apparently a glitch in the streaming and not only was the video squeezed laterally but it cut out before the end. That said, trusting you get the core of what God wants to do and say in your life…
‘Do not neglect meeting together’ This passage from the Bible, found in Hebrews 10:24-25, has been aired quite a lot of late. It’s all about Christians making sure that we stay connected. The current relevance has to do with the restrictions there have been on...
Exploring what it looks like for every believer of Jesus to be an empowered and intrinsic part of his church.
Exploring what it looks like for every believer of Jesus to be an empowered and intrinsic part of his church.
“I’m all Zoomed out!” Those are certainly words which have crossed my lips on more than one occasion these past few months. Digital technology has been with us for a long time but since March of this year it’s played an increasingly important role in...
Exploring what it looks like for every believer of Jesus to be an empowered and intrinsic part of his church.
Exploring what it looks like for every believer of Jesus to be an empowered and intrinsic part of his church
Exploring what it looks like for every believer of Jesus to be an empowered and intrinsic part of his church
Talking about some of Jesus’ final words to his disciples and how they radically influenced their future.
It’s been a while since we’ve produced a Pastors’ Update, having been focused on matters pertaining to the global pandemic. That said, we’ve not been remiss with regard to communication – just not via this means. The world has certainly changed over the past few...
Talking about some of Jesus’ final words to his disciples and how they radically influenced their future
Talking about some of Jesus’ final words to his disciples and how they radically influenced their future
Talking about some of Jesus’ final words to his disciples and how they radically influenced their future
What does being a disciple of Jesus mean and is this something the church needs to once again embrace?
Talking about some of Jesus’ final words to his disciples and how they radically influenced their future
Talking about some of Jesus’ final words to his disciples and how they radically influenced their future
Talking about some of Jesus’ final words to his disciples and how they radically influenced their future.
Why so much ongoing controversy surrounding the small nation of Israel and how come the Jewish people have survived 4000 years of opposition?
Continuing to talk about the Holy Spirit, the early church and the subsequent persecution.
A conversation about what it means for Jesus’ church to be missional.
A conversation about how the Holy Spirit can help us see our need of Jesus.
Looking at the freedom the Holy Spirit brings and his willingness to do this through the life of every Christian.
A conversation about what God is doing in the church at this time and what the church might look like in the future.
Looking at how the Holy Spirit forges a community of people (the church) together to live 100% missional lives for Jesus.
A conversation with Phil Norton about his heart for community and why he does what he does
Looking at how the Holy Spirit was poured out not just to transform the church but to impact our communities with the love and power of God.
We interview Steve Hodgson about Revival Church Billericay’s newly launched online prayer initiative
We talk to Raj Hare about how the Holy Spirit can transform our lives beyond our wildest expectations.
We’re talking about a common block that hinders many of us from experiencing the best life God has for us.
We’re talking about why being positive at this time can benefit us in the long term
We’re looking at what we can learn from Amazon (hopefully you’re intrigued!) to help us make it through this time and arrive at the other end emotionally and spiritually strong.
We’re looking at another key for not only making it through this time but arriving at the other end emotionally and spiritually strong.
We’ll be looking at one of the keys for not only making it through this time but arriving at the other end emotionally and spiritually strong.
Talking about the ‘what next’ after the coronavirus and how we can be ready for it.
Our Revival Church Billericay Easter Facebook Live event and to which you are warmly invited. It will include some thoughts about how the Easter message can impact our lives during these difficult days, a short time of prayer and not forgetting a competition for the...
This morning we’re talking about how to strengthen our foundations in difficult times, sharing stories of what God’s been doing and having another competition for the kids (and big kids).
This week we’ll be praying for frontline workers, sharing stories of what God’s been doing, talking about how we can experience the closeness of God and having another competition for the kids (and big kids)
The Battle Lines Are Drawn With regard to the Coronavirus situation, as I was praying yesterday I sensed the words, ‘The battle lines are drawn’ and that the church must arise to do battle and contend against this sickness. I saw an image of a...
What is God doing amid the Coronavirus? Seeing how you are, giving people the chance to share encouraging stories of what God is doing in their life and not forgetting, a competition for the Kids.
With the situation changing almost daily in relation to the Coronavirus pandemic we wanted to let you know how things will be changing with regard to the way in which we’ll be doing church over the coming weeks. Firstly, from now and until further notice,...
Some thoughts about the Coronavirus situation. This is a little longer than our usual updates but hopefully you find it helpful. I want us to look at what I think are the three main areas of focus at this time. Firstly, the onset of panic that...
“In this world you will have trouble.” These were words which Jesus spoke and, at first glance, not the most encouraging. Probably the biggest question that most people have with regard to God is why does he allow suffering? Why is there war, pain, loss,...
We’ve recently finished a teaching series at Revival Church entitled, ‘Jesus is Lord – So What?’ looking at what it means to make Jesus No.1 in our lives. Much is rightly made of Jesus being our Saviour – receiving the fullness of his life –...
What foundations are our lives built upon? In September we’re beginning a new teaching series at Revival Church aimed at strengthening our foundations as Christians. This will involve equipping us with some tools to help mine even deeper riches from the Bible and to strengthen...
The subject of influence is something that we have been unpacking recently at Revival Church. Each one of us will make a difference to this world by the lives that we live. We will influence those we do life with and the environments in which...
Imagine this. A potter creates the most beautiful vase. It is one of countless masterpieces that are the fruit of his care and craftsmanship. Yet this vase develops a flaw which causes it to crack and deform. Having poured himself into forming this beautiful vase...
A few weeks ago we launched a new teaching series looking at four foundational aspects of Revival Church Billericay. These are: Encounter. Nurture. Training. Influence. Although the acronym they form isn’t particularly catchy, ENTI is a great reminder of the purpose of the church. Encounter...
Jesus is alive! This was the incredible fact that the first disciples came to realise was true after they thought that all had been lost. They had seen Jesus captured, tortured, crucified and laid in a tomb. All they had hoped for and believed in...
‘Who do you think you are?’ One of our Revival Church Core Values is that ‘Everyone has equal significance and worth in God’s sight and we seek to honour and love those created in His image.’ But I would propose that one of the greatest...
Last Sunday our message at Revival Church was about praying for our nation in the light of Brexit. The question raised was what do we know about the EU and how aware were we of the Christian story of this nation? You’ll have to listen...
It’s no secret that we are a church which aligns itself with Israel. But this begs the question as to why. It’s a fact, reflected in Israel’s history, that this nation has made many bad decisions along with its many good ones. No different from...
The beginning of 2019 has certainly been eventful in the political life of this nation. There have been twists and turns that have left the commentators perplexed let alone the rest of us. There have been unprecedented events in Westminster that have surprised even the...
A Happy Brexmas! I hope you’ll forgive the reference to a certain dominant national issue in the heading of this Christmas update but it’s actually for the reason of drawing our attention to a significant truth that will hopefully help us. For those of us...
At Revival Church we’ve just finished a teaching series looking at biblical models of church leadership. A word that often sits alongside leadership is authority. And this doesn’t always conjure up particularly positive thoughts because of those who have abused their authority. When we experience...
What do you think of when I say the word ‘church’? The immediate thought of many people is that of a building with a steeple. One of the purposes of these spires was to direct people’s attention upward to heaven. As worthy as that aim...
We had a fantastic Church Day Out at Pilgrims Hall in Brentwood on 23rd June. Here’s a flavour of the fun we had. With thank to Yvonne Dzhantov for producing the film.
Easter carries with it a sense of hope and optimism; because of what it means to those of us who are Christians and because of the new life springing up in our gardens. As a church we’ve experienced a time of great sadness and loss...
It’s personal bugbear time. I’m not a big fan of the line ‘people of faith and people of none’. The reason is quite simple. Everyone believes in or puts their trust in something, be it; human reason, science, people, philosophies, tarot cards, a transcendent God...
As the countdown to Christmas begins and we prepare for the season’s festivities I’ve been really struck by the contrasts of this time of year. Some people love it while others find it incredibly difficult. Jesus’ birth was marked by contrasts. He was the Son Of...
One thing we’re really focussed on at Revival Church is creating a family of believers who do life together; a community of people who love God, love each other and as a result have a revolutionary impact on the world around them. Did you know...
I don’t know if you’re an avid reader but for me, taking a summer holiday is the perfect excuse to plough through as many novels as possible. Whether you’re a reader or prefer online or audio, for those of us who are Christians, having an...
It’s often said that one of the hardest questions to answer is as to why there is so much evil in the world. But when we use the Bible as our reference point it’s not so very complex at all. When God originally created the world...
A phrase we sometimes use at Revival Church is ‘pressing in to God’. I guess it could sound like just another piece of Christian jargon, of which there is plenty. But what we mean by this expression is that we aren’t content to plateau on...
On Sunday I was speaking to the church on the subject of Risk and Faith. Faith is something Christians are very familiar with, but risk? I explained that when we know God and we know the Bible, our faith has firm foundations, so it’s really...
I always find that the dawning of a new year is a good time to reflect on God’s goodness in the year that has just past and to take time to hear God’s heart for us for the coming year. For every one of us...
November has turned out to be the month in which we focus on two of our partner organisations, Christian Concern and Maoz Israel. We’ve already had a visit from Ade Omooba, co-founder of Christian Concern – you can listen to his powerful and timely message...
Whether someone believes in God or simply believes in the notion of God, it is not uncommon for many to rule out ever hearing from him personally. Their thinking is that if there is a God, he is perceived as being distant and unconcerned with...
Since the beginning of September, we have started to explore what a revival culture looks like and how we facilitate bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to earth? One of the keys to this is realising that the culture of Heaven is centred around relationship. Jesus...
This autumn we’re beginning a new teaching series which will look at how we live a life of revival; individually and as a church. Much is spoken of transforming our culture but we need to be clear what we are transforming it into. This is...
As the holiday season fast approaches I thought it would be good to tell you about our summer teaching series. We’ve entitled it ‘Be Refreshed!’ and each Sunday a different speaker will be unpacking a Psalm of their choice. The Psalms speak into just about...
In this book, the author Julian C Adams inspires us to develop a deeper, personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. He puts forward the view that in some denominations, Christians are confused about the role of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Like Julian, I...
It’s been a significant journey for us as a church over the last seven weeks as we have unpacked the new Revival Church Billericay Core Values. I have found it incredibly challenging as the Holy Spirit has shown me areas in my own life where realignment...
If you’ve been at Revival Church Billericay recently you’ll be aware that we’re presently doing a teaching series looking at our Core Values. In essence our values are what creates the culture of the church. As we determine what is important to us – what...
At our Easter Sunday meeting we revisited the account of Jesus’ resurrection and focussed on some powerful words that often get overlooked. Without Jesus’ cry of “It is finished!” and the angel’s words, “He is not here, for he has risen” there would be no...
What an exciting month it has been since our launch as Revival Church Billericay on 14th February. God is training us to trust Him and to enjoy the journey. On the day of our recent Encounter God event Andy and I went for a...
It’s just under two weeks until our next Encounter God event with Rebecca King of SOAR International Prophetic Resource Group and we’re really excited about all that we believe God has purposed for us as a church and for Christians in the region. Since our recent renaming...
Well, the day has finally arrived and we are officially now called Revival Church Billericay! It’s almost four years since we started building team every Sunday night in our local Costa and what an amazing adventure it’s been so far. As we’ve journeyed from meeting...
Welcome to Revival Church Billericay! We are a church which passionately believes that God’s love and power can transform our lives. Our short video will give you a better idea of who we are, what we do and what makes us tick. Hope you enjoy...
We’re pleased to announce that we have another Encounter God event coming up on March 12th, 7.00pm – 9.30pm at The Billericay School to which you are invited and to which we’d encourage you to bring others. The emphasis will be on encountering God through...
As we start 2016 it’s a great opportunity to reflect on the year that has passed and to ask God to envision us for the year to come. For each of us 2015 will have been a mixture of highs and lows; a mixture of...