24 Mar Pastors’ Update
The Battle Lines Are Drawn
With regard to the Coronavirus situation, as I was praying yesterday I sensed the words, ‘The battle lines are drawn’ and that the church must arise to do battle and contend against this sickness.
I saw an image of a vast battlefield – like Megiddo – with God’s people lined up resolutely against a demonic horde.
I was then reminded of the scripture. ‘the battle belongs to the Lord’ (paraphrase), 2 Chronicles 20:15.
As I read through the entire 2 Chronicles 20 passage it soon became clear that it gives us a progressive strategy for partnering with God to stand against this unseen enemy.
It is as follows:
1. Acknowledge your fear. v3
2. Seek God. v3
3. Corporate fast. v4
4. Declare who God is. v6
5. Rehearse God’s promises and faithfulness. vs7-9
6. Present the situation to God. vs10-11
7. Confess your impotence and need of God. v12
8. National humility before God. v13
9. Heeding the prophetic. v15
10. God will fight for you. v17
11. Worship God. v18
12. A shout of praise to God. v19
13. Trust God. v20
13. Praise and thanksgiving to God. v21
14. God gives the victory. v22.
The passage ends with God receiving the glory due his name and a fear of God prevailing over the nations. I hope that this helps some people.
Andy Robb
Senior Pastor