04 Apr Can you believe it?
An Easter Sunday conversation about Jesus' resurrection....
An Easter Sunday conversation about Jesus' resurrection....
Another of our 'Life in all its Fullness' conversations. This one is around the events of Palm Sunday...
Another 'Life in all its Fullness' conversation in which we talk to Bev Murrill about how she came to say "yes" to Jesus and the difference one person saying "yes' to Jesus can make....
Another 'Life in all its Fullness' conversation - in this one we talk about worry and anxiety....
Part of our ongoing 'Life in all its Fullness' conversation....
In conversation with Karen Tullett about how we develop a lifestyle of saying "yes" to Jesus so we don't get sidetracked....
A conversation about choosing to follow the path that leads to life and in which we create the opportunity to respond....
We talk to Jo Moody about her life-changing near death experience, her healing miracle and the amazing global ministry that was birthed from this....
Part two of a conversation about how to experience the full life Jesus offers us...
Part one of a conversation about how to experience the full life Jesus offers us....