06 Jan Pastors’ Update
What happened to 2020?
Who could have foreseen the year that we’ve just lived through? This time last year we were entering 2020 as a year of vision, a number which neatly lent itself to this spiritual metaphor.
And yet, for all its difficulties 2020 was a year of vision, just not in the way we had perhaps envisaged.
During this challenging time the Holy Spirit presented the global church with the opportunity for a reset and to regain its purpose and vision – and with that, a new way of doing things.
Prior to the pandemic God had been speaking to us very clearly about a time of change and transition that was coming and we sought to embrace this, rather than attempt to hold on to doing things the way we’d always done them.
Not that they were necessarily wrong – just that it was time to do things differently.
It’s clear that Revival Church hasn’t been alone in seeing things this way – across the world church leaders and prophets have been avoiding the temptation to do ‘business as usual’ and are pursuing an apostolic model of church which majors on empowering every believer to be effective ambassadors of Christ in their spheres of influence.
When Jesus lived on earth he was the ‘light of the world’. With the Holy Spirit now living in countless Christians around the world the light is everywhere and we believe heaven is stirring the saints to arise and shine like never before.
Whilst God is shifting the emphasis away from the corporate gathering – as the main focus of church life – we look forward to the day when we can physically meet together as a church family once again.
But when we do we will have the opportunity to bring with us our stories of what God has done in and through us – each as individual lighthouses, shining brightly across the region.
With every blessing
Andy Robb
Senior Pastor