Author: Andy Robb

In this book, the author Julian C Adams inspires us to develop a deeper, personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. He puts forward the view that in some denominations, Christians are confused about the role of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Like Julian, I fell...

It's been a significant journey for us as a church over the last seven weeks as we have unpacked the new Revival Church Billericay Core Values.  I have found it incredibly challenging as the Holy Spirit has shown me areas in my own life where realignment...

If you've been at Revival Church Billericay recently you'll be aware that we're presently doing a teaching series looking at our Core Values. In essence our values are what creates the culture of the church. As we determine what is important to us - what we...

At our Easter Sunday meeting we revisited the account of Jesus' resurrection and focussed on some powerful words that often get overlooked. Without Jesus' cry of "It is finished!" and the angel's words, "He is not here, for he has risen" there would be no Easter...

  What an exciting month it has been since our launch as Revival Church Billericay on 14th February.  God is training us to trust Him and to enjoy the journey. On the day of our recent Encounter God event Andy and I went for a walk at Lake...

It's just under two weeks until our next Encounter God event with Rebecca King of SOAR International Prophetic Resource Group and we're really excited about all that we believe God has purposed for us as a church and for Christians in the region. Since our recent renaming to...