Author: Andy Robb

The Battle Lines Are Drawn With regard to the Coronavirus situation, as I was praying yesterday I sensed the words, ‘The battle lines are drawn’ and that the church must arise to do battle and contend against this sickness. I saw an image of a vast battlefield...

Some thoughts about the Coronavirus situation. This is a little longer than our usual updates but hopefully you find it helpful. I want us to look at what I think are the three main areas of focus at this time. Firstly, the onset of panic that is causing...

“In this world you will have trouble.” These were words which Jesus spoke and, at first glance, not the most encouraging. Probably the biggest question that most people have with regard to God is why does he allow suffering? Why is there war, pain, loss, famine and...

We’ve recently finished a teaching series at Revival Church entitled, 'Jesus is Lord - So What?' looking at what it means to make Jesus No.1 in our lives. Much is rightly made of Jesus being our Saviour - receiving the fullness of his life - but...

What foundations are our lives built upon? In September we’re beginning a new teaching series at Revival Church aimed at strengthening our foundations as Christians. This will involve equipping us with some tools to help mine even deeper riches from the Bible and to strengthen our...

The subject of influence is something that we have been unpacking recently at Revival Church.  Each one of us will make a difference to this world by the lives that we live.  We will influence those we do life with and the environments in which we...

Imagine this. A potter creates the most beautiful vase. It is one of countless masterpieces that are the fruit of his care and craftsmanship. Yet this vase develops a flaw which causes it to crack and deform. Having poured himself into forming this beautiful vase...

A few weeks ago we launched a new teaching series looking at four foundational aspects of Revival Church Billericay. These are: Encounter. Nurture. Training. Influence. Although the acronym they form isn’t particularly catchy, ENTI is a great reminder of the purpose of the church. Encounter It all begins with...

Jesus is alive! This was the incredible fact that the first disciples came to realise was true after they thought that all had been lost. They had seen Jesus captured, tortured, crucified and laid in a tomb. All they had hoped for and believed in had been shattered. ...

'Who do you think you are?' One of our Revival Church Core Values is that ‘Everyone has equal significance and worth in God’s sight and we seek to honour and love those created in His image.’ But I would propose that one of the greatest enemies of...