Pastors’ Blog

A phrase we sometimes use at Revival Church is 'pressing in to God'. I guess it could sound like just another piece of Christian jargon, of which there is plenty. But what we mean by this expression is that we aren't content to plateau on the...

On Sunday I was speaking to the church on the subject of Risk and Faith. Faith is something Christians are very familiar with, but risk? I explained that when we know God and we know the Bible, our faith has firm foundations, so it’s really no risk...

I always find that the dawning of a new year is a good time to reflect on God's goodness in the year that has just past and to take time to hear God's heart for us for the coming year. For every one of us there...

November has turned out to be the month in which we focus on two of our partner organisations, Christian Concern and Maoz Israel. We've already had a visit from Ade Omooba, co-founder of Christian Concern - you can listen to his powerful and timely message by...

Since the beginning of September, we have started to explore what a revival culture looks like and how we facilitate bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to earth? One of the keys to this is realising that the culture of Heaven is centred around relationship.  Jesus always...

This autumn we're beginning a new teaching series which will look at how we live a life of revival; individually and as a church. Much is spoken of transforming our culture but we need to be clear what we are transforming it into. This is the...

As the holiday season fast approaches I thought it would be good to tell you about our summer teaching series. We’ve entitled it ‘Be Refreshed!’ and each Sunday a different speaker will be unpacking a Psalm of their choice. The Psalms speak into just about every human...

It's been a significant journey for us as a church over the last seven weeks as we have unpacked the new Revival Church Billericay Core Values.  I have found it incredibly challenging as the Holy Spirit has shown me areas in my own life where realignment...

If you've been at Revival Church Billericay recently you'll be aware that we're presently doing a teaching series looking at our Core Values. In essence our values are what creates the culture of the church. As we determine what is important to us - what we...

  What an exciting month it has been since our launch as Revival Church Billericay on 14th February.  God is training us to trust Him and to enjoy the journey. On the day of our recent Encounter God event Andy and I went for a walk at Lake...