Jesus Tag

We’ve recently finished a teaching series at Revival Church entitled, 'Jesus is Lord - So What?' looking at what it means to make Jesus No.1 in our lives. Much is rightly made of Jesus being our Saviour - receiving the fullness of his life - but...

What foundations are our lives built upon? In September we’re beginning a new teaching series at Revival Church aimed at strengthening our foundations as Christians. This will involve equipping us with some tools to help mine even deeper riches from the Bible and to strengthen our...

What do you think of when I say the word ‘church’? The immediate thought of many people is that of a building with a steeple. One of the purposes of these spires was to direct people’s attention upward to heaven. As worthy as that aim may have been...

Easter carries with it a sense of hope and optimism; because of what it means to those of us who are Christians and because of the new life springing up in our gardens. As a church we’ve experienced a time of great sadness and loss and...

It’s personal bugbear time.  I’m not a big fan of the line ‘people of faith and people of none’. The reason is quite simple. Everyone believes in or puts their trust in something, be it; human reason, science, people, philosophies, tarot cards, a transcendent God or even...

As the countdown to Christmas begins and we prepare for the season's festivities I've been really struck by the contrasts of this time of year.  Some people love it while others find it incredibly difficult. Jesus' birth was marked by contrasts. He was the Son Of God...

One thing we’re really focussed on at Revival Church is creating a family of believers who do life together; a community of people who love God, love each other and as a result have a revolutionary impact on the world around them. Did you know that...

It's often said that one of the hardest questions to answer is as to why there is so much evil in the world. But when we use the Bible as our reference point it's not so very complex at all. When God originally created the world the Bible...